A Journey To Less Plastic

Learning to Live with Less Plastic

This guide will help anyone who is just starting out with switching from plastic to sustainable options. Learn how to reduce plastic waste at home and while shopping.
Don’t end up in the checkout line without your reusable shopping bags. Here are simple tricks to help you remember your bags every time.

Why Switch from Plastic?

The world we live in today doesn’t make it easy to switch from plastic. Practically everything we purchase has an element of plastic to it. From bottled water and children’s toys, to computers, printers, and cell phone cases.
Not all plastic is bad; some plastic items save lives and last a long time. But all too often, we’re sold items that are disposable, not easy to recycle, and not biodegradable. And this type of plastic is wreaking havoc on our planet.
Plastic waste has taken over oceans and rivers all over the world. It’s killing animals and making its way into the foods that we humans consume.
It’s easy to look the other way and hope that someone else will clean up the mess. But it’s also surprisingly easy to make small changes that create less plastic waste. Learning to switch from plastic to sustainable and biodegradable products is simple and easy to do.
Making the switch from plastic shopping bags to reusable bags is great, but there are other single use plastics to refuse when you’re at the store, too.
Giving gift cards for holidays and birthdays is more popular than ever, but are these little plastic cards actually harming the environment?

"There is no more neutrality in the world. You either have to be part of the solution, or you’re going to be part of the problem."

Eldridge Cleaver